Group 'A'
Very short answer questions. (7x1=7)
1. Write any two importance of socialization in human life.
Answer: The two importance of socialization in human life are -
i. Socialization boardens our knowledge and teaches many life skills.
ii. Socialization expands the social relation.
2. Suggest the ways to preserve the Nepalese traditional technologies in two points.
Answer: The ways to preserve the Nepalese traditional technologies are -
i. The government should make a wide publicity on their importance and use.
ii. The common citizens must make their use at domestic level as far as practicable.
3. Mention a common feature of the Nepali painting, sculpture and architecture.
Answer: The common feature of the Nepali painting, sculpture and architecture is that they mostly carry out the religious and social theme.
4. Draw an attractive sketch against bullying.
5. Where from the industrial revolution began in the world? From what sector?
Answer: The industrial revolution began from England in the world. It started from the cotton and woollen industries.
6. What is meant by the 'plan holiday'? When did Nepal have it in the history of economic planning?
Answer: The years without the periodic plan are known as the 'plan holiday'. Nepal has experienced the plan holidays two times in the history of economic planning i.e. in 2018 and 2048 BS.
7. How can embassies help the citizens of their concerned nations? Write in two points.
Answer: The embassies help the citizens of their concerned nations in the following ways:
i. They hear and solve the problems of their citizens residing in the country.
ii. They make necessary arrangements to send the citizens back to homeland if the problems are unsolved even after the bilateral talk.
Group 'B'
Short answer questions. (10x4=40)
8. Define national pride. How can it be promoted? Write in three points.
Answer: The feeling of being privileged or proud of your own country is known as national pride.
National pride can be promoted in the following ways:
a. By being proud of onself for belonging to the country.
b. By glorifying the artifacts, monuments and things of natural beauty present in the country.
c. By disturbing the available means and resources equally to all the citizens and fulfilling their basic needs.
9. Explain the advantages of public paticipation in four points.
Answer: The advantages of public participation are -
i. Sustainability in development work: Public participation assures sustainability or durability in development work because there is sense of 'we' and 'ours'.
ii. Promotion of unity and responsibility: Public participation fosters unity as people work in group or sub-group dividing the responsibilities or sharing the works.
iii. Saving of time, money and energy as the work can be completed faster with the direct or indirect support of maximum people.
iv. Economic use of resources: Public participation inspires people to use the resources in an economic way. It is so because the formulation and implementation of plans and programmes are done by the involment of a larger group of people after a detailed discussion.
10. How are the Pagoda and the Shikhar style architectures different from one another? Show them in a table.
Answer: The Pagoda and Shikhar style architectures are different from one another in the following ways:
Pagoda Style | Shikhar Style |
1. It is multi-roofed design. | 1. It is a roofless design. |
2. It looks like a Himalayan fir tree. | 2. It looks like a pyramid of a mountain peak. |
3. There is a single pinnacle at the top. | 3. There are multiple pinnacles as each part contains it at the top. |
4. It has a large square base but the upper part tappers or gets narrower gradually. | 4. It has sloppy walls divided into 5 to 9 parts. |
11. The misuse of technology is a complex social problem. Justify the statement in points.
Answer: The misuse of technology is a complex problem because of the following reasons:
a. The misuses are many because people may be misusing the technology knowingly or unknowingly.
b. It is quite difficult to punish the offenders because there is lack of clear and strong cyber law.
c. The offences or misuses may degrade one's morality or even cost his/her life.
d. Many offenders are technologically and technically equipped and advanced who can easily escape the punishment.
12. Why is the national integrity a subject of national concern? Write in points.
Answer: The national integrity, also called national unity, is a subject of national concern because of the following:
a. The issue or subject of national integrity is directly related to the nation, nationality and identity.
b. If something wrong happens to the national integrity, the country's existence would be endangered.
c. Both the government and common civilians are equally responsible to maintain and promote national integrity.
d. The promotion of national integrity strengthens a country's status at the global level.
13. Write down the similarities and differences between the lines of longitudes and latitudes in two pints each.
Answer: The two similarities and differences between the lines of longitudes and latitudes are given below:
Similarites | Differences |
1. Both of them are imaginary lines created in the earth for people's convenience. | 1. The lines of longitudes run from north pole to south pole while the lines of latitudes run from east to west. |
2. Both of the lines are measured in degrees and expressed in hours, minutes and seconds. | 2. Lines of longitudes are semi-circular and help for calculating time of a place whereas the latitudinal lines are circular and primarily help for locating the places. |
14. Into what grades can rivers of Nepal be divided based on origin and water volume? Describe them shortly.
Answer: The rivers of Nepal can be divided into three grades based on origin and water volume. They are:
i. The First Grade Rivers: The rivers that originate from the Himalays and have a large volume of water are the first grade rivers. They are generally big and become advantageous mainly for irrigation projects and hydroelectricity generation. The examples of this type of rivers in Nepal are the Koshi, the Gandaki and the Karnali.
ii. The Second Grade Rivers: These types of rivers originate from the Mahabharat Range and contain a large volume of water only in the summer. Beside hydropower generation and irrigation, such rivers are also good for drinking water supply. The Rapti, the Babai, the Bagmati, etc. are the good examples of such rivers.
iii. The Third Grade Rivers: The rivers originating from the Churia Range and drying up during the winter are the third grade rivers in Nepal. The local rivers such as Sirsia, Biring, Arjun Khola, etc. are the examples of this type of river.
15. Write any four major historical events that include the unification campaign of Prithvi Narayan Shah and show them in a timeline.
Answer: The four major historical events that include the unification campaign of Prithvi Narayan Shah are:
16. What is entrepreneurship? What roles can it play in the economic development of a country? Write your view in three points.
Answer: The process of designing a new business or a company on to produce goods or provide service is known as entrepreneurship.
In my opinion, the entrepreneurship can play the following roles in the economic development of a country.
My view:
a. The entrepreneurship promotes economic activities in a commercial scale.
b. It helps for the saving and formation of capital for the future investment.
c. The quality and quantity of commodities and services increase.
17. When did Nepal obtain the membership of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)? Write any three areas of cooperation of the organization to Nepal with short elaboration on each of them.
Answer: Nepal obtained the membership of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 1966 AD.
The three areas of cooperation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are:
a. Melemchi Drinking Water Project: The project was initiated to provide drinking water facility to the people of the Kathmandu valley. The project is in the final stage of completion. Once completed, the valley people will be getting 17 crore litres water daily and the acute crisis.
b. Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake Affected Communities: Under the project, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is working to help people affected by the April, 2015 earthquake that had caused a massive devastation. It is rebuilding schools that are disaster-resistant and providing microcredit to people in need. It is also raising community awareness about disaster preparednes.
c. Bagmati River Basin Imporvement Project: The project is working to the management of water resource at the Bagmati River Basin. It will manage the basin water resources in a fully integrated manner. It also aims for riverbed oxygenation and increasing of water flow in the dry season through an upstream water storage.
Group 'C'
Long answer questions. (4x7=28)
18. What is good governance? What are the challenges of it in the Nepalese context? Discuss them in six points.
Answer: The fair ruling system based on rule of law is known as good governance. In other words, responsible governing system is good governance.
Nepal has many challenges to practice good governance in the nation. Some major challenges of good governance in the Nepalese context are -
i. Widespread Corruption and Impunity: The network of corruption is very strong in Nepal. Most of the bureaucrats and even the political leaders are found involved in corruption. Therefore, there is impunity and they are free from getting punishment. In such a situation, it is quite challenging to practice good governance.
ii. Legal Administrative Process: The administrative works in Nepal are process oriented. A client should face many difficulties to get a work done on time. The lengthy process encourages bribery, corruption and breaking of rule.
iii. Weak Civil Society: The civil societies in Nepal are found to be politicized nowadays. They have been passive in their roles of warning government for bad rule. They have not been able to take people's voice rightly up to the government.
iv. Political Instability: There is no political stability in Nepal. The government changes frequently. Along with the change of government, the plans, policies and programmes also change. This creates poor governance in the nation.
v. Poor Public Pressure: Most of the Nepalese prefer to remain silent even though there is bad rule or any injustice taking place in administrative or other sectors. This boosts up the confidence of the corrupt minded bureaucrats and the people.
vi. Traditional Thinking: About 34% of the Nepalese are still illiterate. Even the educated circles are found believing in traditional thinking. They do not like to change the existing system of governance even though it is for a good reason. Once their mind and thinking do not change, it becomes very difficult to institutionalize good governance in the nation.
19. Draw an outline map of Nepal and locate the following items there in using the appropriate indexes.
i. Tea production area
ii. Mt jugal
iii. Lumbini
iv. Khaptad National Park.
By drawing an outline map of Asia, insert the following facts.
i. Pacific Ocean
ii. Steppe
iii. Saudi Arabia
iv. An earthquake prone zone.
20. When did the Anglo-Nepal formally begin and end? Mention the consequences of the war and critically evaluate the recruitment of Nepali youths in the British Army.
Answer: The Anglo-Nepal formally began on 1 November, 1814 (16 Kartik, 1871) and ended on 4 March, 1816 (20 Falgun, 1873).
The consequenses or results of the treaty were as follows:
i. Nepal had to loss about one-third of it's territory.
ii. Nepal was forced to sign an insulting and one-sided Sugauli Treaty. Among the nine clauses in the treaty, none of them were in favour of Nepal.
iii. The unification campaign started by Prithvi Narayan Shah ended forever. This also caused the downfall of Bhimsen Thapa from power.
iv. The British Government established it's embassy in Nepal. This increased British political interference in Nepal. They got trade facility too.
v. The recruitment of the Nepalese youths started in the British army.
The treaty of Sugauli and it's immediate post era were good for no reason in Nepal. However, the recruitment of the Nepal youths into the British army can be observed quite positively. This gave an international exposure to Nepal. The world communities knew Nepal and the Nepalese. Later, Nepali soldiers got chance to participate in the World Wars. These wars provided the space to the Nepali soldiers to prove themselves as the Brave Gurkhas. Even today, the Nepalese are recognized as brave people in the world.
21. What is trade? What are the major problems of foreign trade in Nepal? How can they be solved?
Answer: The act of buying and selling of goods and services is known as trade.
The major problems of forign trade in Nepal are mentioned below:
i. There is more import and less export. This has caused a huge trade deficit.
ii. Though Nepal is the member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), it has not been able to benefit more from it. The trade relation of Nepal is limited to few countries.
iii. Nepal exports raw materials and unfinished products. This cannot earn more foreign currency.
iv. The open border between Nepal and India has caused smuggling of goods from India in cheaper rate. This has threatened Nepali products.
v. The land-locked feature of Nepal has created obstacle in export and import of goods and services in a competitive way.
vi. The Nepal Government has not been able to form proper plans and programmes for the smooth development of foreign trade. The formulated ones are either controversial or inadequate.
The above mentioned problems can be solved if the following measures are taken:
i. The agro-based and foreign-based product should be produced more in Nepal by establishing more industries and factories.
ii. Quality products are to be produced in the nation.
iii. Proper and stable plans, policies and programmes need to be introduced by the government.
iv. The domestic products should be encouraged. The people should prioritize the Nepali products if with quality.
v. The heavy tax or custom duty on export of Nepali products is to be minimized or exempted.
vi. The open border should be tightened. Meanwhile, the concept of trade diversification has to be applied core heartedly.
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